•Wire: Oxygen-free purest PCOCC copper and directional
•Terminals: Custom made Banana in purest PCOCC
•Spade terminals is also available on order.

AC ENACOM Improved
Connect the Line Cable ENACOM between your amplifier and each audio component and clean up the clutter.
Attach the Speaker ENACOM to your speaker cables and listen to improved loudspeaker response.
Plug an AC ENACOM into an empty outlet next to your equipment and say goodbye to harsh sound forever.

Enacom Tuning CD

Limited-Edition. Banana Terminals
Discerningaudiophile seeks always the best. They want us to design such for AC ENACOM. AC ENACOM-Limited-Edition is designed to serve for those who want the best and perfect.
"高靈敏解析" 喇叭線
Meet RoHS 系列

HS-EXQ Exquisite Banana type 喇吧線
•High purity PCOCC wire with absolute directional construction
•Dual gold/Rhodium plated original designed terminal
•Available in 1.5m, 2.0m,2.5m, 3m length, Longer length is made to order
•Type of terminals: Banana, Y-shape, D-cut and Pin type (Purist PCOCC)
Enacom 系列

• Wire: Oxygen-free purest PCOCC copper and directional
• Terminals: Custom made Banana in purest PCOCC
• Spade terminals is also available on order.

AC ENACOM Improved
100 - 240V
Connect the Line Cable ENACOM between your amplifier and each audio component and clean up the clutter.
Attach the Speaker ENACOM to your speaker cables and listen to improved loudspeaker response.
Plug an AC ENACOM into an empty outlet next to your equipment and say goodbye to harsh sound forever.

Enacom Tuning CD

限量版 電源濾波器
Limited-Edition. Banana Terminals
Discerningaudiophile seeks always the best. They want us to design such for AC ENACOM. AC ENACOM-Limited-Edition is designed to serve for those who want the best and perfect.
Meet RoHS
喇叭線 系列

HS-EXQ Exquisite Banana type 喇叭線

•High purity PCOCC wire with absolute directional construction
•Dual gold/Rhodium plated original designed terminal
•Available in 1.5m, 2.0m,2.5m, 3m length, Longer length is made to order
•Type of terminals: Banana, Y-shape, D-cut and Pin type (Purist PCOCC)

•Newly-designed OFC
•Dual original copper/gold/stanaloid triple-plated spade lug terminals*
•Multi-shield construction (special triple shield)
•Absolute directional design
•Available in 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m lengths, longer lengths available by special order
•Set of 2 cables


•Wire: Directional PCOCC
•Shell: PCOCC copper gold / Rhodium plated
•Case: Brass gold plated and collet-chuck design
•Absolute directional design
•Size available: 1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m
•Longer length may be available to order. Set of 2 pcs.
訊號連接線 系列

CI230MK2 Improved version
•High-purity OFC wires
•Harmonix original design terminals
•Absolute directional design
•Available in 0.75m, 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m lengths, Set of 2 cables

HS-101GP 採用PCOCC單結晶無氧銅導體,而且還特別強調具有方向性,使用的RCA端子是Harmonix自家產品,外面有一層深綠色的碳纖維外殼,並且帶有旋轉鎖定設計,確保端子不易脫落,主要導體銅,表面經過鍍金鍍銠處理,原廠很有自信的說,只要把這條訊號線接上音響系統,您一定會不敢相信自己的耳朵,因為所有模糊的感覺都不見了,而且音場會突然變得更開闊!

HGP-R RCA Unbalance

HGP-X XLR Balance
•Original design and made special wire-directional
•Handcrafting to ensure the sound quality
•Absolute directional
•Isolated, independent RF noise grounding
•Hijiri original connectors
Available size: 0.75m/1.0m/1.5m/2.0m/2.5m long for both RCA and XLR.
•Longer size to order
Award statement 2016
Red Fingerprint Award of 2016
High Fidelity, Poland
Best product of Year 2016
Best Signal cable of 2016
Audio-Video, Poland

Best Product 2017
by HIFI i Muzyka Poland
5 stars & Editor’s Choice 2017
by Hi-Fi Choice, Poland

Gift Box

H-SLC Million Speaker cable
•Tuning principle: Smooth power conductance and wide band balances.
•Wire material : Custom design and special made Copper
•Terminals : PCOCC purest copper
•Available sizes : 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m
•Longer size is also available to order
•Note: Break-in time: longer time, more musical sound H-SLC can deliver.

High Fidelity Award
Best Product of 2018

HIJIRI HCS Speaker cable
Award statement 2018
Red Fingerprint Award of 2018
High Fidelity, Poland
•Terminal: High purity PCOCC Copper. Dual Gold and Rhodium plated
•Sizes: 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m

聖 HIJIRI “Nagomi”
Power cords 電源線
•Tuning principle: Smooth power conductance and balances entire spectrum
•Wire material : Custom design and special made Copper
•Plug & IEC Connector: Wattgate 350iRH+330iRH or 390iRH (Schuko)
•Available sizes :1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m
•Longer size is also available to order

Best Product 2017 by HIFI i Muzyka Poland
5 stars & Editor’s Choice 2017
by Hi-Fi Choice, Poland

Power cords 電源線
Design principle: Crystal clear, wide and deep sound stage and musically reality.
Wire material: Custom-made copper, directional. Meet RoHS reuirment.
Plug: WattGate 330iRH(flat pin) or 390iRH(European Schuko type).
IEC Connector: 350iRH Rhodium. Meet RoHS.
Available sizes: 1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m long.
RED Fingerprint Award Dec 2016